showing 1 game

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Bari Bari Densetsu  Taito1989Generic motorbike racing game. It's based on some popular Japanese manga series, but except some illustrative b&w graphics in the intro and at the end there is no hint that this is based on something. No story at all. There are two play modes. A free travel mode, which is a kind of practice mode that let's choose on which of the sixteen tracks you want to race. And a world championship mode, where you race on all tracks and try to get the most points and thus becoming world champion. Between the races you can modify your bike setup a bit (using rain tires when the weather forecast expects rain for example). The racing itself is very mediocre and too easy once you find a fast setup. Graphics are weak, only a couple of different background graphics, simple objects along the track, no up- and downhill, no tunnels or other things that could break the monotony. Last but not least an annoying motor sound. labelimageminimize